Monday, June 10, 2013

More 30 day photo challenge pictures...

The pictures are coming in for the 30 day June Photo challenge.  Thank you all who are sending me a few of your photos along the way.  If you want to have your pictures posted, please email them to me (Rob) at:  Remember, it is not too late to get on board with this project.  Just start clicking, and catch up in July.  

Today we have photos from Rey Berrones and Jennifer Coats.  Rey has them posted on his website as well which can be seen here:  He has other things on his website, too.  Go on over and take a gander!  

Day 1: morning (I think this is shaving stuff)
Day 2: something western
Day 3: hands
Day 4: favorite shoes
Day 5: clouds
Day 6: Books
Day 7: high angle
Day 8: sunrise or sunset
Day 9: fresh fruit
Now for Jennifer Coat's pictures.  Please take time to visit Jennifer's website as well which can be seen here:  She has some amazing photos, and you will be glad you went on over and stopped in for awhile.  

Jennifer's pictures:

Day 3: hands
Day 4: favorite shoes.  (Looks like there are a lot of favorite shoes as you can see in the background)
Day 6: favorite book
Day 7: high angle
Day 8: sunset picture A
Day 8: sunset picture B
Day 9: fresh fruit
Now that we are getting some pictures up, it would be nice if people would comment.  One cannot look at these photos and not think something.  So those who are about some comments, and encouragement to the photographers.  

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