Wednesday, May 21, 2014


"If you seek creative ideas, go walking.  Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk." -Raymond I. Myers

We have a couple of safaris scheduled in the last remaining days of May.  The first one is this Friday, May 23 where we join the astronomy club, and take in the wonderful meteor shower called Camelopardalids.

photo from
  The astronomy club plans to go out about sunset to set up telescopes, but we are not planning on leaving until much later.  So if you want to document this amazing event...there are supposed to be about 200 meteors in an hour...notice I said supposed to be.  We will meet at the Wal-Mart parking lot behind Chili's at 11:15 PM.  This is at night...but we ask that you do not come in your pajamas.  We will then car pool out to the old missile site on Twist Flower Road just off Highway 285.  It's about 10 miles out north of town.
Bring: a flashlight, or headlamp
           insect spray
           camera gear
Also, there are no bathroom facilities way out there...just the cover of dark.  So if you have a weak bladder, bring some TP.

If you plan to attend, please email Sue Ashby or call her: 575 208 2197 or 575 910-1024.

Rain is forecast for that day, but they are wrong 90% of the time.

The next safari will be on Saturday, May 31 for the Carrizozo funky door, and gates photo op.  (If they are open).  From there, the group will head to White Oaks for a stop at "No Scum allowed Saloon."  Hmmm.  Sounds interesting.  Wonder what qualifies as "scum."  This safari doesn't end there...the tour goes on to visit another Ghost town.  This is a jam packed, photo filled, good time Saturday adventure.  Plan to join in.  We will be meeting at the Bureau of Land Management on west second at 8 AM.  This is late enough that you should be out of your pajamas.  Bring a lunch...the Scum Saloon may not have food.

If you plan to attend, please email Sue Ashby or call her: 575 208 2197 or 575 910-1024.

Our photo challenge for June is Diffused light.  Look at the beautiful photo Sue Heaton got early in the morning.
photo by Sue Heaton. Visit her website here
Today was a wonderful day to get a photo with diffused light since it was cloudy most of the day.  No rain though...rats...or should I say, "Snakes."  Look at this monster rattlesnake Sue Heaton found today.  Head, tongue, and rattle on in the pictures.  I would have been scared to death.  Sue is brave.  So now she has two diffused light photos.
photo by Sue Heaton:

Don't forget to contact Sue Ashby if you plan to attend either or both safaris.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks Rob! I am having so much fun with your challenges, and the snake wasn't That big!
